Wyoming – nature’s geology classroom

Imagine a class that features traveling, hiking, boating, fossil collecting, museums, wildlife watching, national parks and more. Sound interesting? The GHC Summer Geology Field Course gives you the opportunity to earn science credits, enough to complete your Area D requirements, and experience some of the most spectacular geological formations the west has to offer. This […]

PTK invitations sent to eligible students for Fall Induction

Phi Theta Kappa international honor society is represented at Georgia Highlands College by the Alpha Psi Omicron chapter, which has been recognized as one of the top PTK chapters in the nation. PTK membership invitations have recently been sent to GHC students that qualify, and students are encouraged to consider joining the prestigious organization. PTK […]

GHC Great Britain study abroad program

Dear GHC Students, Traveling to another country as part of a study abroad program is a wonderful way to broaden your horizons and learn more about other places and cultures. College students who go on study abroad trips typically remark that it was one of the most enjoyable and rewarding experiences of their time in […]

Summer 2020 in Wyoming for credit!

How will you spend Summer 2020? What if you could combine earning science credits with traveling, hiking, boating, fossil collecting, museums, wildlife watching and more? Would you be interested? GHC gives you the opportunity to enroll in a summer geology field course in Wyoming that offers all of this and more. It’s an opportunity to […]

GHC Honors Program wants you!

Motivated students looking for a challenge and for ways to distinguish themselves post-graduation can apply to the GHC Honors Program. Any student accepted into the program can work with willing instructors to develop an Honors Project and earn Honors Credit in most GHC courses. Full information and Program application available at honors.highlands.edu

NY Times online now available to GHC!

Great News Everyone! The GHC Libraries are happy to announce that we now have access to the New York Times Online! To activate your access: While connected to the GHC network, visit accessnyt.com Create a NYTimes.com account using your school email address Login online (nytimes.com) from anywhere, or download the NYT App If you have […]