If you could not attend Dr. McGuire’s presentations on October 1st, we are providing you with details in this email. She was very impressed with our GHC community. Here is a couple for Dr. McGuire’s book- TL coupon Aug 2020. Also, Dr. McGuire has graciously allowed us to share a recording of her presentation, as well as […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
30 Days of Gratitude: Day 3
It’s very easy… For the next 30 days simply write down three good things that happened to you today or three things that you are thankful for. Gratitude has a powerful impact on our physical and emotional well-being. Click Here for the Three Good Things Campaign worksheet
College Days at the Tennessee Aquarium!
Half price tickets from October 1-31 to the Tennessee Aquarium & IMAX 3D Theater for college students, faculty & staff.
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month: Jorge Luis Borges
Jorge Luis Borges, (born August 24, 1899, Buenos Aires, Argentina—died June 14, 1986, Geneva, Switzerland), was an Argentine poet, essayist, and short-story writer. He was born in Buenos Aires to a noble Argentine family with British ancestry. Jorge inherited his love for literature by reading books from his father’s library. In 1914 his family moved […]
Updated Bookstore Hours
The bookstore is adjusting its hours of operation. Starting on October 5th, the new hours will be Monday – Thursday between 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Need help in your Science or Math courses? Got Questions before Midterms? STEM 411 can help even at night and on the weekends! You can chat or fill out a ticket anytime you have a question, and a faculty member will answer your question in the following subjects: College Algebra, Precalculus, Calculus, Statistics, Quantitative Skills […]
The Complete History of GHC
Now you can see the complete history of GHC all in one place! #TakingCharge Read about everything that happened at the college from 1970 to 2020 by visiting 50years.highlands.edu
Stop by GHC Library to get a free bookmark for Banned Book Week!
Banned Book Week is September 27th – October 5th, and GHC Library is giving out free bookmarks from the American Library Association in order to keep raising awareness to censorship attempts across the country. If you’d like to learn more about Banned Book Week, why it’s important, the history, and take part in some fun […]
Midterms got you spooked? Check out this LibGuide from your GHC Library!
GHC Library has a special treat for our GHC students during midterms week. Check out our Spooky Midterms LibGuide for resources and activities to help you focus and study, as well as some activities to have some spooky fun as you charge through midterms! Click here to access the GHC Library LibGuide Have a question? […]
Find Kevin, the counseling intern, in the student center today in the morning and early afternoon. First, we’ll have a disagreement and then a friendly conversation! We all need the practice! (*The views Kevin expresses during the disagreement do not represent him.)