Recording of Dr. McGuire’s Presentation

If you could not attend Dr. McGuire’s presentations on October 1st, we are providing you with details in this email. She was very impressed with our GHC community.

Here is a couple for Dr. McGuire’s book- TL coupon Aug 2020. Also, Dr. McGuire has graciously allowed us to share a recording of her presentation, as well as her PowerPoint, with you as long as we keep it within our GHC community. Please do not share it with others or publicly. They are also linked on the Summit site. 

Appreciative Advising | Video Recording

PowerPoint Presentation

Finally, students are receiving their certificates of attendance this week via their registration email. If you need additional documentation or usage reporting, email me with your request.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Thanks again for your participation

Motivation and Mindset Summit Team