2020 Honors Ceremony video presentation

The 48th Annual Honors Ceremony presentation video is now available for viewing! Honors Night Ceremony Originally scheduled for a live in-person event at the end of Spring Semester, the Honors Ceremony was transformed into a remote delivery method due to the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing guidelines. Please enjoy this production, and thank you to […]

Summer Tutorial Center schedule

Dear Students; GHC’s Tutorial Center is open and working virtually to offer you support! If you need any help, please find the attached schedule page link: https://sites.highlands.edu/tutorial-center/schedule/. There are individual documents for math, science, and writing and other subjects.  This will allow you to determine which tutors to choose when making an appointment in Navigate. […]

CARES Act Funding Update

Good afternoon students, Earlier this year, Congress passed the CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund.  Since it was passed, Georgia Highlands College has been working to obtain the funding, which will enable the college to issue relief money to eligible Spring 2020 students.  In order for a student to qualify to receive the funds, […]