CARES Act Funding Update

Good afternoon students,

Earlier this year, Congress passed the CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund.  Since it was passed, Georgia Highlands College has been working to obtain the funding, which will enable the college to issue relief money to eligible Spring 2020 students.  In order for a student to qualify to receive the funds, the following criteria must be met:

  • Students must have a completed 2019/2020 FAFSA on file in order to be considered
  • Students must have been enrolled in “on-campus” classes for Spring 2020, and were subsequently required to move to remote instruction in March 2020.
  • Transient students, Dual Enrollment students, or any student enrolled in only online classes as of March 13, 2020 are excluded from this first round of funding.

The full GHC CARES Act refund plan can be found at

For additional info about the CARES Act, view this video.

The refunds were processed this morning (June 5) and sent through Bank Mobile.  If you need to set up your Bank Mobile account go to and select get started.  Once you sign in you will make a selection of how you would like to receive your refund.

If you have any questions, please submit a ticket at

Thank you,

Georgia Highlands College Bursar Office