Watched everything on Netflix? GHC Library has you covered!

Did you know that your college library has a wealth of information and resources for your digital enjoyment and education? Your GHC account gives you access to:

  1. The latest and greatest ebooks and audiobooks through Overdrive – available as an app for Android or Apple.
  2. Movies, documentaries, and so much more on Kanopy – stream-able through your phone or on Roku.
  3. New magazines every month through Flipster – check out the latest issues of magazines like National Geographic and The New Yorker!

Check out this graphic to learn about Overdrive, Kanopy, Flipster and other electronic resources GHC Library has to offer.

Have a question about how to access a resource? Send us an email at ask@highlands.libanswers.comor follow us on Social Media to keep up with GHC Library world:

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