Join Student Engagement as we honor Black History Month by highlighting former slaves who went on to impact America. “My race needs no special defense, for the past history of them in this country proves them to be equal of people anywhere. All they need is an equal chance in the battle of life.” Robert Smalls […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Join Green Highlands’ First Meeting of the Spring!
Green Highlands is a group that strives to raise awareness and action towards a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle with emphasis being placed on mind and body well-being and environmental concerns. When: Tuesday February 16th from 2-3pm Where: Passcode: GoGreen
Financial Wellness Workshop: Personal Finances
Take charge of your financial wellness! Join Dr. Jed Gillespie, Professor of Accounting & Business, for a workshop on personal finance. Monday, Feb. 15th, 12:30pm, via Zoom HERE Passcode: Financial
Honoring Black History Month: George Moses Horton
Join Student Engagement as we honor Black History Month by highlighting former slaves who went on to impact America. “Oh! That my soul had winged its flight, when first I saw the morning light, to words of liberty!” George Moses Horton George Moses Horton was born an enslaved man. Despite this, Horton taught himself to […]
Free Anti-Body Testing & Blood Donation
Help those in need AND get free covid antibody testing! Red Cross Blood Drive, February 11th 9am-2pm, Student Center Gym Schedule your slot ahead of time at and use promo code: ghccartersville
Congrats to the Signed March Set Winner!
Congratulations to Samantha Lewis, winner of the signed set of March books. Samantha was chosen by random drawing for submitting a Scavenger Hunt to Student Engagement. All students who completed and submitted Scavenger Hunts will be contacted soon on how to receive your prize. Keep checking your email for other ways to win your own […]
Got Leadership Potential? GHC’s Charge into Leadership Program
Are you looking to build your resume and develop skills for your future career? GHC’s Charge into Leadership Program consists of 5 one-hour meetings, in addition to the interest meeting. Students who complete the program will receive a certificate, ability to place the program on your resume and preferred admission into the Leadership Program at […]
Time Management Workshop
Learn how to manage your time and get the grades you want with our Time Management Workshop! February 11th at 2pm You can join in person on the Floyd Campus, Lakeview L-123 or via Zoom by clicking here, Passcode: GHC In-person participants get free snacks and water, provided by the Charger Cafe & Student Engagement!
Virtual Next Step Transfer Fair
About to graduate with your associate’s and not sure where to finish your bachelor’s? Pop into the Virtual Next Step Transfer Fair! Schedule Below! For more information go here! Direct Zoom link here. Monday, February 1 9:30AM GHC BBA Programs (Bachelor of Business in Healthcare Management or Logistics/Supply Chain Management) 11AM University of North Georgia […]
Attention GHC students residing in Chattooga County and attending Spring 2021 classes: Apply now for the Jim & Leatha Richie Scholarship!
Application deadline is February 5, 2021. This $1,000 scholarship was established by family and friends to honor the Summerville couple most remembered for their mentoring to area teenagers, many of whom worked in the Richies’ store. Scholarship eligibility requirements: Permanent resident of Chattooga County. Recipient must enroll full-time at Georgia Highlands College for the duration of […]