Missing GHC Library in person? Check out our virtual display for Black History Month!

Check out this webpage each month for themed content, just like what you’d typically see in our library display windows. To celebrate Black History Month, we have a section for books, movies/videos, and a section where we will highlight a different academic resource each month. This page also includes a playlist so your virtual visit […]

Honoring Black History Month: Harriett Jacobs

Join Student Engagement as we honor Black History Month by highlighting former slaves who went on to impact America. “There are no bonds so strong as those which are formed by suffering together.” Harriett Jacobs Harriett Jacobs escaped an abusive enslavement and hid in the North for seven years. After becoming a nanny for a […]

SSE Speaker Series on Racism & Social Justice: Talk is Not Cheap

Please join us on Friday, February 19th, 10-11:30am for the next lecture in the Social Science and Education Speaker Series on racism and social justice. The speaker will be Dr. Seneca Vaught, Associate Professor of History and Interdisciplinary Studies, Kennesaw State University. The title of the lecture: Talk is Not Cheap: Improving Campus Conversations on […]

Honoring Black History Month: Robert Smalls

Join Student Engagement as we honor Black History Month by highlighting former slaves who went on to impact America. “My race needs no special defense, for the past history of them in this country proves them to be equal of people anywhere. All they need is an equal chance in the battle of life.” Robert Smalls […]