Tips and Tools for Success at GHC


1. A success plan looks different for every student- 

We all have different responsibilities and availability. Your classmate might be taking 5 classes but that doesn’t mean it’s a good fit for you. Always plan your success on what works best for you and not others. And that’s totally ok!
2. Don’t overload yourself!- 
When deciding which classes to take and how many to take, consider what is required for each class. Does it require a lot of reading or writing? If you select 4 classes that are all heavy on reading and writing, keep in mind that you will be reading and writing which can also be overwhelming. Work with an advisor to select classes that give you a balanced workload. For example: an ENG class that requires reading and writing, a HIST class that requires reading and writing, and a PE class.
3. Use scheduling resources (phone/planner)-
We all have phones, our phones have calendars, planner apps, and reminders. I personally have to write stuff down, so I use an actual planner. But use what works for you. Write down what time and where your classes are, when assignments are due, and make sure to schedule study time! It’s always good practice if you have an assignment due to schedule to complete that assignment before the due date so that you aren’t rushing at the end. Schedule tutoring! It’s a great resource! If you’re on campus for class, schedule a reoccurring session for after your class to drop by the tutoring center. Don’t have time after class, schedule a weekly online session with a tutor.
4. Study Buddy or Study Group-
Lots of students have found it very helpful to have a study buddy. Having someone to bounce ideas off of or just someone with a different perspective can be very helpful, especially in a class that isn’t your cup of tea. You can also form a study group with your fellow classmates. Often times students that are in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Calculus form study groups and they meet right after class to go over what they just learned in the Study Rooms that are available on each campus. This also creates an accountability partner/partners.

Tutorial center-
Tutors are available online or in person! Schedule an appointment or stop by! Remember, tutoring isn’t just for when you’re struggling in a class! You can also work with a tutor weekly to get ahead of the class by learning topics in advance and also tutors can help you understand certain areas that you didn’t understand during class. Tutors have changed students grades from an B to an A!  
Schedule an appointment with ME!
If you would like assistance creating a success plan, email me at . We can meet via zoom or in person.
Student Support Services-
Counseling and disability services are available to currently enrolled students. Food pantries and career closets are also available on all of our campuses.