RSO Spotlight: Phi Theta Kappa

RSO Spotlight: Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa is the international honor society for two-year colleges. Students who achieve a 3.50 cumulative GPA with at least 12 credit hours at Georgia Highlands College are invited to join. Members must then maintain a 3.25 GPA. The GHC Chapter is Alpha Psi Omicron and was chartered in January 1994. The organization elects officers, holds regular meetings, and plans activities and service projects for members and the campus. Phi Theta Kappa also offers scholarship opportunities for members.

It is active on all five locations.

Check out our Facebook group page! Connect with us on Instagram @ptkghc

Faculty Advisors: Karen Huggin, lead advisor/Marietta site –; Betsy Fleming, Cartersville site –; Greg Smith, Floyd Campus –; Julie Kozee, Paulding site –; Vincent Manatsa, Douglasville site –

Student Leaders: Carl Hayes, president –; Dariela Delgado Castro, vice president of membership –; Juan Jimenez-Padilla, vice president of finance –


Member meetings were typically twice a month, although it would sometimes change semester to semester depending on the officer’s schedules. Before Spring 2020 we had meetings every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 3:30pm via Zoom because of the multicampus and video-conference room scheduling issues.

Numerous activities were held such as the Fall Festival that was open to the campus and community, PTK Information Days, Scholarship Seminars, Tutoring, and various service projects like making blankets and scarfs for the homeless or senior centers, serving at a shelter, collecting  items for organizations that service those in need. We also attend or host regional, international, and online conferences, hold new member induction ceremonies, and sponsor the annual Angel Tree Christmas gift donation drive for various local charities and community organizations.


We are currently planning on holding member meetings on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 3:30pm via Zoom.

Currently we are still learning what will be allowed to do in-person, but we are  planning online activities such as virtual conferences, meetings, fellowship game activities, scholarship application help, and service donation collections. It will be a work in progress!

Group Photos:

Members at the regional fall conference we hosted in 2019.

Graduating officers and members.