Highlands Writers Conference Feb. 29 – Register now!

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from a panel of publishers and writers, learn how to improve your writing, and what it takes to become a successful writer!


The Highlands Writers Conference is scheduled for Saturday, February 29, in Cartersville.

Please encourage your students to register–they can attend for a mere $10. This price is unheard of for a conference of this caliber. Truly. The writers who are coming to present workshops are some of the best in Georgia, and we are fortunate to have them.

Guest speakers include award-winning novelist Soniah Kamal, screenwriter and indie film producer Hudson Phillips, poet and poetry editor of the New South Journal Caroline Crew, award-winning essayist Clinton Peters, and retired AJC reporter Kay Powell.

Please attend! We’d love to have you come, even if you don’t fancy yourself a writer. This conference is for everyone.

Here’s the link to our website so you can read more: https://sites.highlands.edu/division-of-humanities/highlands-writers-conference/

Here’s the link to our facebook page so you can follow us for updates: https://www.facebook.com/HighlandsWriters/

Here’s the link to registerhttps://aceweb.highlands.edu/wconnect/ace/CourseStatus.awp?&course=20wcon101

Co-Sponsored by the GHC Creative Writers Club, Southern Muggs Coffee Shop, and the Georgia Council for the Arts.