On-Campus, Drive-In Movies!

What: On-campus, drive-in screening of Hocus Pocus! When & Where:  Wednesday, Oct. 28, 8pm, Douglasville Site Thursday, Oct. 29, 8pm, Cartersville (C building parking lot) Saturday, Oct. 31, 7:30pm, Floyd Campus (Lakeview parking lot) Free pre-popped & packaged popcorn, soda and candy!

Political Science and Criminal Justice Club Meeting

Date: October 20, 2020 Time: 2:00 PM until 3:00 PM Zoom Link: https://highlands.zoom.us/j/93611001478 Passcode: 936 1100 1478 Professor Scott Akemon will be facilitating a club meeting on the upcoming presidential election. We will have fun discussing the Nov. 3, 2020 election and making our predictions on the path to 270! Come join the fun! Get […]

Local Elections & Community Engagement

Clickable PDF attached. What: Join us for a 30-minute Q&A with Wendy Davis, Rome Commissioner for Ward 2, and Spencer Hogg. The Q&A will be followed by breakout rooms with the participants. People can submit questions ahead of time to Clifton Puckett at cpuckett@highlands.edu! When: October 14th at 2pm Where: Join us via Zoom by […]

30 Days of Gratitude

It’s very easy… For the next 30 days simply write down three good things that happened to you today or three things that you are thankful for. Gratitude has a powerful impact on our physical and emotional well-being. Click Here for the Three Good Things Campaign worksheet

Become an Orientation Leader!

IMPACT STUDENTS’ LIVES BE AN ORIENTATION LEADER! Connect with new students! Positively impact your school! Make life-long friends! Good pay! To apply: Cartersville Rome Paulding Douglasville Marietta For more info, contact Clifton Puckett, cpuckett@highlands.edu  

Georgia College is Hosting a Virtual GHC Transfer Night , Tonight!

Georgia College is hosting a Georgia Highlands College specific Zoom session on Thursday, October 8th from 5:00‐6:00pm. This event will provide students with information on admission, financial aid and academic advising. Tentative Schedule: -5:00‐5:15: Admissions -5:15‐5:30: Financial Aid -5:30‐5:45: Advising -5:45‐6:00: Q & A Email emily.paulk@gcsu.edu for more details on how to register.