Click here for the recording of the workshop! And in case you missed the previous workshop on Personal Finances, or just want a refresher, click here.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Learn more about Women’s voices and their stories during Women’s History Month!
The stacks may be closed for browsing, but they’re open for borrowing! Visit and select a location to view a list of the newest books at that campus. If you see something you like, just click on the book and you can check it out virtually. We will send you a confirmation email and […]
Missing GHC Library in person? Check out our virtual display for Women’s History Month!
Check out this webpage each month for themed content, just like what you’d typically see in our library display windows. To celebrate Women’s History Month, we have a section for books, movies/videos, and a section where we will highlight a different academic resource each month. This page also includes a playlist so your virtual visit […]
Miss Representation, March 16, 12:30pm
What: A screening of Miss Representation followed by a discussion of media portrayals of women, led by Ms. Travice Baldwin Obas, Professor of Communication When: Tuesday, March 16, 12:30 Where: Cartersville #A122 (live) Floyd Solarium (live stream) Paulding #207 (live stream) Via Zoom here, passcode: GHC
Georgia State Health Professionals Fair, Tues March 9, 11am
Do Not Ignore this Financial Wellness Workshop! Personal Taxes, Mon. March 15, 12:30pm
Think you don’t need to know about taxes because you use software or someone else does them? Save some money! Learn about taxes- how they work and how you can use this knowledge to save you money in the long-run. Join Annette Maddox, Professor of Accounting, on Monday, March 15 at 12:30pm for the next […]
SSE Speaker Series: Land Sovereignty and Healing, Fri. March 19, 10-11:30am
Please join us on Friday, March 19th, 10-11:30a for the next lecture in the Social Science and Education Speaker Series on racism and social justice. The speaker will be Mary Crowe, Member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee. The title of the lecture: Land Sovereignty and Healing. This event is co-sponsored by the Chieftans Museum/Major […]
Honoring Black History Month: Sadie Alexander
Join Student Engagement as we honor Black History Month by highlighting former slaves who went on to impact America. “There will be times when you’ll be disappointed, but you can’t stop. Make yourself the best that you can make out of what you are.” Sadie Alexander Sadie Alexander was born and raised in Philadelphia. Alexander became […]
Implicit Bias Workshop, March 25, 11:30am
Did you know? The mind sciences have found that most of our actions occur without our conscious thoughts, which allows us to function in our extraordinarily complex world (Payne, Neimi, Doris, 2018) Join Dr. Bentley Gibson-Wallace, Associate Professor of Psychology, for an implicit bias workshop on March 25, 11:30am via Zoom (passcode: GHC) Before attending […]
Honoring Black History Month: Elizabeth Freeman
Join Student Engagement as we honor Black History Month by highlighting former slaves who went on to impact America. “To close read is to linger, to dally, to take pleasure in tarrying, and to hold out that these activities can allow us to look both hard and askance at the norm.” Elizabeth Freeman Elizabeth Freeman, also […]