Study Abroad opportunities for GHC students

Dear Students,

Traveling to another country as part of a study abroad program is a wonderful way to broaden your horizons and learn more about other places and cultures. College students who go on study abroad trips typically remark that it was one of the most enjoyable and rewarding experiences of their time in college. And as study abroad programs include summer courses, they are a great way to earn course credits that move you towards degree competition. Participation in a study abroad program also looks great on a resume, especially as employers increasingly value international experience in potential employees. Study abroad is not only a unique and fun, learning experience, but it could well help you get a job one day.

For the 2018-2019 academic year, Georgia Highlands College will have a one week study abroad program to Panama in the summer of 2019. The trip to Panama will take place during the 2019 Fourth of July week (June 28-July 6). Located between two oceans at the heart of global trade, Panama has a bustling capital city, rich culture, lush rainforests and one of most important avenues of shipping in the world today, the Panama Canal. Visiting Panama is a great opportunity for GHC students. The Panama study abroad program offers courses in a wide variety of subjects such as Business, Logistics and Supply Chain, Health Sciences, History, Biology, Spanish and English. Attached to this e-mail is a flyer about the Panama study abroad program. For more detailed information on the Panama study abroad program, please see the website at the following link:

In addition to Panama, students interested in traveling to Europe for one month have the option of participating in University System of Georgia Consortium programs in Berlin, Germany (June 27-July 31, 2019) and Montepulciano, Italy. GHC students in these consortium programs live in either Berlin or Montepulciano for a month, take field trips to nearby sites and take six hours of course credits as part of their programs.

Berlin is at the heart of Europe today as it is the capital of western Europe’s most important county, Germany. It also lies at the crossroads of western and Eastern Europe. As such, it is a fantastic location to learn more about modern European History, Culture and Business. For more information about the Berlin program, including the classes offered, accommodations, costs and much more, please see the following link:

For its part, Montepulciano, Italy is a beautiful town located in the hills of Tuscany, between Rome and Florence. Students in the Montepulciano, Italy program have the opportunity to experience the rich culture of Italy. The Montepulcian study abroad program has two summer sessions in the summer of 2019. For general information on the Montepulciano program, please see the following link:

For information on the first summer session (May 16-June 20), please see the following link:

For information on the second summer session (June 27-August 1), please see the following link:

At Georgia Highlands College, study abroad is open to all students. Students with financial aid can often use it towards the price of a study abroad trip and especially towards the cost of courses linked to study abroad programs. Students who are interested in study abroad are strongly urged to speak with a Financial Aid counselor in person to learn the details of how they can use their financial aid towards study abroad. Georgia Highlands College will also have several study abroad information sessions in the coming weeks for students interested in these study abroad programs. Please see the attached document for a full listing of study abroad information sessions for the spring 2019 semester.

Finally, for any questions about study abroad at Georgia Highlands College, please e-mail the following individuals:

Dr. Bronson Long, Director of Study Abroad, and for questions about the Panama study abroad program. Dr. Bronson Long,

Dr. David Hensley, Assistant Professor of History, Faculty Leader on the Berlin program. Dr. David Hensley,

Dr. Jayme Feagin, Professor of History, Faculty Leader on the Montepulciano program, session I. Dr. Jayme Feagin,

Professor Christina Wolfe, Faculty Leader on the Montepulciano program, session II. Professor Christina Wolfe,

Best wishes,

Bronson Long, Ph.D.
Professor of History,
Director of Global Initiatives and Study Abroad
Georgia Highlands College

Office: Georgia Highlands College
Floyd Campus, F-142a
3175 Cedartown Hwy., SE
Rome, GA 30161
Office phone: 706-368-7618