Dear Student,
GHC’s literary magazine, Old Red Kimono, seeks original artwork, poetry, and fiction on any subject from current GHC students. Please see below for submission guidelines and contact information. Our deadline for submissions has been extended to February 15, 2019. Fiction and poetry may be emailed to me, Nancy Applegate (if you submit multiple poems or stories, please paste them into ONE document). For information on submitting artwork or photography, please contact me.
Nancy Applegate
ORK Faculty Advisor
Old Red Kimono 2019
Student Submission Guidelines
Typed or emailed submissions are preferred, but handwritten submissions will be accepted as long as they are neat and readable.
- Your name and email address should be included on each page.
- Old Red Kimono accepts only original poetry, art, and short fiction. Plagiarism, whether accidental or intentional, is unacceptable. Previously published work is also unacceptable.
- Submissions are accepted from September through February. The deadline for submission to the Spring 2019 issue of Old Red Kimono has been extended to February 15, 2019, but submissions received after this date will be considered until space has been filled.
- You may email submissions to our faculty advisors (see below), or you may leave your submission with the Office of Student Life representative on your campus. For instructions on how to submit original artwork, please email one of us.
Nancy Applegate (
John Kwist (
Jessica Lindberg ( can also look us up online: ( or on Facebook.
Wouldn’t you like to see your name in print?